Monday 23 Oct 2023

October 23: Romans 4:20-25

Key Verse: Romans 4:21
being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised

We don’t have too much to go on with regards to Abraham’s early life, but we do have a lot to go on with his later life because we know he was a man of faith. In these words he is described as being a man who knew God would deliver on His promises; even if he did falter a bit when Sarah questioned whether things were going the right way.

Sometimes we just have to rely more on our faith than we were initially prepared to do. When we are pushed to our limits or questioned hard about our faith, we may be tempted to give in to the ways or ideals of the world instead – because it kind of makes sense…

In the end Abraham did realise just how sure God’s promises were an we have the stories in our bibles to remind us of this. Now it is our turn to try to stand firmly in our faith and not to falter as the world sways this way and that way. When we feel tempted to give in to ‘worldly wisdom’ we should be reminded by what Abraham went through and rise above things to stand with God.

He has never let people down. Some may think so but it is only their desires and wants which drive them to those conclusions. If we check things against our needs we will see God delivering on every promise He has made. God raised Jesus from the dead to show us everything is possible with Him and He always keeps His promises!

Points to Ponder:
How often is your faith tested?

How often do you give in to the world?