Tuesday 24 Oct 2023

October 24: Luke 12:35-38

Key Verse: Luke 12:37
It will be good for those servants whose master finds them watching when he comes. Truly I tell you, he will dress himself to serve, will make them recline at the table and will come and wait on them.

You could take this passage in almost any part of life and apply it, but here we should be thinking of the readiness of every Christian when our Lord does return. You may have noticed the harder you work, the more likely your employer is going to give you rewards… so do we apply this in our Christian lives?

A fair amount of Christians do subscribe to that philosophy and indeed our Bibles do tell us of greater rewards for some, but it is not for works. There are some who make a living out of doing work for the church even though they do not have faith in Christ. There are some who give their lives to serving Christ and expect nothing in return. Where do you stand? Maybe somewhere between the two?

Do our Christian lives need to be a balance between working for a living and serving Christ? I used to try to make sure I made enough money to be able to pay into church funds and help support the church. I never seemed to be able to do that as well as I wanted to because there was always something lacking. So I started trying to listen to God and find out what it was He wanted me to do…

When we do listen to direction from God, He will make sure we are in the right place at the right time to do the greatest for the kingdom of God. When we begin to rely on Him we find earthly things fall into place and we have our needs met one way or another. Just be ready to serve God when He calls!

Points to Ponder:
Do you serve God at all?

Are you ready to say yes when He calls?