Thursday 26 Oct 2023

October 26: Romans 6:19-23

Key Verse: Romans 6:23
For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

One of the things you never get to see when you are encamped in sin is how destructive your life and behaviour is to your soul. The more you get involved with the sin the more you lose sight on the righteousness in life and the more you are convinced you have to do certain things to survive. You lose sight of real life and you become a slave to sin.

What Jesus came to teach people was we can, with His help, turn our lives around so we no longer feel entrapped by the sinful life we used to live. He wants us to be free from the sin and all the traps of the sinful life because they lead to nothing but destruction, both to yourself and to the people around you.

The more we turn our backs on sin and focus on righteousness the more we are able to show ourselves and others there is a better way of living; one which not only invites righteousness, but one which involves Christ in every step of life. When we grow closer to Christ in our lives we do see the shortcomings of this world and the sin which traps people from all walks in life.

With Christ’s help we can walk away from those traps rather than giving in and falling into the pit of despair which sin digs for us. It is not ourselves who cause the sin but the evil one making the temptation of false promises look real; then we fall into his trap and cannot find a way out.

Points to Ponder:
How much of your life is Christ invited into?

Will you make Him an honoured guest?