Wednesday 25 Oct 2023

October 25: Roman 6:12-14

Key Verse: Romans 6:14
For sin shall no longer be your master, because you are not under the law, but under grace.

One of our biggest downfalls is we think we are greater than sin or that we can overcome it by ourselves. Once we allow sin into our lives the battle to turn away from sin becomes greater and greater until we have no hope of being able to stop by ourselves. The only way is to allow someone else to help us. I say allow because there is a difference between being forced to stop sin and allowing someone to help you stop it.

When we are forced to stop sin we don’t really understand the power of sin because someone else has taken it away for us. But if we are part of the stopping of the sin, then we understand how destructive it can be and are less likely to allow it back into our lives. Now there are sins which you can get help with from friends or other people, but to make sure we turn our backs on it we need extra help.

A friend can only help you to manage it, but God can help you to turn your back on it all together. The sin can be identified by the law, be it the law of the land or Gods law. To understand sin and the affect it has on our lives we need Gods insight. The law of the land will allow you to see the sin and understand it is wrong, but Gods insight will allow you to see a whole lot more.

Because Jesus gave His life to cover our sin debt we owe, we no longer have to live under just the law and we no longer have to fight sin alone. Christ came to take the burden sin gives us and allow us to move forward with Him in our lives.

Points to Ponder:
Do you struggle with sin?

Will you allow Christ to help you?