Tuesday 31 Oct 2023

October 31: Luke 13:18-21

Key Verse: Luke 13:19
It is like a mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his garden. It grew and became a tree, and the birds perched in its branches.

One of the great things about being a Christian is the joy we get when we are able to help people when least expected. We saw this yesterday when Jesus healed the woman on the Sabbath, but today we get a hint of why He did so much healing and spread so much joy. Jesus was sharing the gospel, sharing the joy of being able to worship a God who cares for us and who loves us no matter what!

When we are able to do a little, others get to see and they in turn will be able to share the love and joy we find when they try to do something for others too. The more we are able to share this love with God to the people, the more we are able to allow others to see just how awesome our God is!

Sometimes it is the smallest things in our lives which hold us together as community. Sometimes it is the smallest expression of love which will change a community. It is not something you can stand on the outside with and throw in to see if it works; it has got to come from the inside which means joining in with the community to show it from the inside!

Jesus came into all sorts of villages, communities and groups of people. Leaders scolded Him to daring to go into the sinners circles… But how was He supposed to change people’s hearts unless He was willing to stand amongst them and show His love?

Points to Ponder:
Do you try to change people by telling them what to do?

Will you try to help someone instead of telling them what to do?