Wednesday 1 Nov 2023

November 1: Matthew 5:1-12

Key Verse: Matthew 5:9
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.

After all this talk about trying to do what is right, Jesus lays down things here with a different view in mind. We often think of the Ten Commandments when we try to tell people how they should live – yes we do tend to judge people by telling them what to do! But Jesus uses a different approach by encouraging the disciples rather than enforcing rules and regulations on them.

When we want to help spread the gospel we should not be discouraging people by pointing out what they are doing wrong but telling them what a different life can be like. Jesus was doing exactly that by telling them of all the blessing they can receive no matter what is going on in their lives.

We often think of the bad things that can happen and wonder why God allows things like that to happen; but this is not God dishing out bad things, more like the evil one trying to discourage us by using whatever means he can! What Jesus says here is that He is with us even in the bad times and the hard times. If we are willing to stop and listen to Him rather than the worldly things happening around us, we will be comforted and maybe even guided to avoid more bad things.

But each of these things Jesus highlights are everyday things for each of us. Sometimes we feel down, sometimes we have to mourn the loss of friends or family. If we are willing to accept His comforting and act in a Christian manner, we can also encourage those around us. Jesus wants us to turn our lives around...

Points to Ponder:
How often do you get despondent with the world?

How often do you wait on God?