Friday 3 Nov 2023

November 3: Luke 14:1-6

Key Verse: Luke 14:3
Jesus asked the Pharisees and experts in the law, ‘Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath or not?’

One of the things Jesus wanted to turn over was the unrighteous lawfulness of the Pharisees. How can it be unrighteous if it is the law? Sometimes we take things too far and we rather stick to the letter of the law rather than doing what is right in God’s eyes. Sometimes laws are made which should be righteous but can be used in an unrighteous manner if taken too literally or out of context.

This is why Jesus promoted the love of God and the love for one another above all other laws and this was a clear demonstration of this. A man was close by who had an abnormal swelling of part o his body. Jesus’ heart went out to this man and so He healed the man even though it was the Sabbath when the law stated nobody should work.

He reflected after healing the man by saying that if any of them had a child or livestock which was stuck in a well, they would go out of their way to rescue that child or animal even though it was the Sabbath. Jesus was saying His love for this man was as important as a child to Him and He wanted to rescue the man even though it was the Sabbath.

We need to reflect on things which confront us and make sure we are doing what Jesus would do rather than what the exact letter of the law says we are or are not allowed to do. Love above all!

Points to Ponder:
Have you ever helped someone out despite it meaning breaking a law?

Make sure your love is stronger than man’s laws?