Saturday 4 Nov 2023

November 4: Luke 14:7-11

Key Verse: Luke 14:11
For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.

I love the way Jesus would watch people to see how they acted before He commented on things. Many times He would give them advice by telling them parables rather than calling people out directly to give them the change to change their ways or minds. This is one of those times when Jesus commented on their behaviour without naming individuals.

How often do you try to get yourself noticed when you enter a group of people? Maybe you come dressed in something outstanding so people will look up to you. Maybe you make a loud entrance so people notice when you have arrived. Maybe you go directly to the host to make yourself known in front of people…

Jesus is telling people they should act differently. When we arrive at a place we should not necessarily act like everyone else, but act more akin to you being just another person at the gathering. If we over-react we may well find we are overshadowed very quickly by the true guest of honour and that would make us feel very put out. If we humble ourselves then the host may well call us out and give us honour in front of others.

We should not be going to an event to be noticed but going there to be part of the event. We should not be going because important people are going, but going because we have been invited. God wants us to be leaders who serve, not leaders who dictate!

Points to Ponder:
Did you know Jesus wants you to be humble?

Do you know Jesus wants you to be a leader too?