Sunday 5 Nov 2023

November 5: Micah 3:5-12

Key Verse: Micah 3:5
This is what the Lord says: ‘As for the prophets who lead my people astray, they proclaim “peace” if they have something to eat, but prepare to wage war against anyone who refuses to feed them.

One of our biggest downfalls is how humankind uses violence to try and get their point across. The prophet Micah was trying to warn the leaders of Israel how they would only land themselves and their country in deep water if they continued to try and get things done through violence or by distorting the truth.

Jesus stood for all that is righteous and ensured we saw how the truth should always be held up. The leaders of the tribes of Israel were using bloodshed, wickedness and various other means of injustice instead of upholding justice like God had told them to. The leaders had lost their way because of their own lust for money and power.

God wants us to see we should be reserving such feelings for loving and worshipping Him and not for the desires and wants in our personal lives. I don’t think Micah could have worded things any differently and yet the leaders continued to uplift themselves and their greed instead of God and His ways.

For as long as we continue to build empires, countries or even communities on the lust for money, power or any other personal gain, all we may end up getting is a small amount of personal gain. God wants us to look at the eternal picture and realise we need Him to be the centre of our lives and not greed, pride or lust!

Points to Ponder:
What is the point of what you are trying to do?

Will you try to help others to worship God in the right manner?