Wednesday 15 Nov 2023

November 15: Luke 17:11-19

Key Verse: Luke 17:18
Has no one returned to give praise to God except this foreigner?

One of the things Jesus must have seen a lot of was the lack of people acknowledging God for everything which was done for them. Here is a case in point and one which we may have been caught up in during our lifetimes. Jesus healed 10 people who had leprosy and simply told them to go to see the priests – they were the ones who would have authority to say whether a person was healed from leprosy or not.

As they started walking to see the priests they were all healed. One of them, upon realising they had been healed, came back to praise God for the miraculous healing… only one! The person was so pleased they threw themselves at Jesus’ feet even though they were Samaritan by birth. You have to remember Samaritans and Jews did not mix at that time!

Jesus acknowledged their faith and told them it was because of their faith they had been healed. I wonder what happened to the other nine people and how they reacted to being cleansed of leprosy!

Sometimes God does things for us and we are so caught up in enjoying our new freedom, health or other blessing, we forget to come back to Go to thank Him for our blessing. We should be thanking Him daily for every blessing we have and even for those times we have to wait for the blessings. We should be praising Him for everything in our lives!

Points to Ponder:
How often do you thank God for your blessings?

How often do you praise Him and admit that to others?