Thursday 16 Nov 2023

November 16: Philippians 1:12-20

Key Verse: Philippians 1:15
It is true that some preach Christ out of envy and rivalry, but others out of goodwill.

Have you ever been envious of people who go to a mega church where they are joined with thousands of others every week? I’m not talking about going to a camp or huge gathering which spans a few days or a week, but rather a congregation which meets every week, all year. I’m sure we all want more people to come to our churches so we can spread the gospel more, but numbers are not everything.

Then there is the clash between institutional style gatherings and more evangelical or liberal gatherings… We may even be confused by people who say there is only one style and the others are not good for you… I have been fortunate enough to go to a wide variety of churches over the years and I can say there are some who love God and their people and others who seem to be constantly at odds with each other – and they cross all styles of gatherings!

Paul was chained up in prison for telling people the truth and here he reaches out to the churches of Philippi to tell them they will have to face the good times and the bad times together. He even goes as far as saying his imprisonment is going to advance the gospel – that sometimes takes a whole lot more faith than some of us have!

Don’t go to a church to feel comfortable. Don’t go to a church because lots of other people go there. Don’t go to a church because they are rich. Don’t go to a church because a vicar or pastor tells you to… Find a church where people love each other and grow together sharing the love and the gospel together!

Points to Ponder:
Are you trying to find a nice church?

Have you tried to find people who love each other instead?