Saturday 18 Nov 2023

November 18: Psalm 105:16-22

Key Verse: Psalm 105:19
till what he foretold came to pass, till the word of the Lord proved him true.

A few nights ago we were talking about Joseph and the hope he had in God, his total reliance of what God had promised and all the agony he went through to get there. Our lives are not always going to be smooth sailing as Christians; often we will have people working against us because we dare to tell the truth. God always upholds the truth and will reward those who stick to the truth!

Joseph had his own brothers working against him. He was left for dead by them, sold into slavery and endured a hard life up until what he had forecast came to pass. This is when people stop to take notice and their attitude changes. For Joseph the attitude change came from the top and he was brought out of slavery and placed in a position of honour.

God will always try to make sure we get the best possible outcome in our lives, but the path to get there may be troubled. As long as we are willing to stop and listen for His instructions, the path will be the best way forward. The world around us is going to try and convince us otherwise so we do really have to listen for Gods call.

All throughout the bible we get to hear of all the things which are consequences of man’s greed, pride and lust. When we can look past those evil ways of man and look toward the truth we have in Christ we will always reach the best God has for us, be it in this world or the next...

Points to Ponder:
Do you struggle with others?

Are you trying to listen to Christ instead of the world?