Sunday 19 Nov 2023

November 19: Matthew 25:14-18

Key Verse: Matthew 25:18
But the man who had received one bag went off, dug a hole in the ground and hid his master’s money.

What are you doing with your life? Do you think you are making the most of your life, or do you feel like you are fighting a battle against adversity and just keep to yourself as much as possible? God has allocated things for us because He knows us better than anyone else. He has entrusted us with this life and possessions so we can make the most of things while following His will.

He has not entrusted us with more than we can handle, though if we allow the world to get the better of us we certainly can feel like we have more than we can handle! He has given us the opportunity to make the most of what He has given us and wants us to succeed! But if we bury the treasure, skills and wherewithal He has given us because we don’t want to upset anyone, then we are not doing what He has asked of us!

Just like this man called his servants together to hand out bags of gold so they could continue his work for him, God has already handed out tasks for us to do. If we try to do our best and make the most of what He gives us, He is going to be pleased with what we do and allow us more. But if we hide His light under a bushel then we are preventing others from doing what He may want them to do.

Think carefully about what God has given you and listen to what He has to say so you too can do the best with what you have!

Points to Ponder:
Are you doing things in church?

Aren’t you doing anything outside of church which may help too?