Monday 20 Nov 2023

November 20: Luke 18:35-43

Key Verse: Luke 18:42
Jesus said to him, ‘Receive your sight; your faith has healed you.’

When I read verses like these I almost cringe at the thought of many churches doing the same as the crowds who were watching the procession which was all around Jesus. So often we get caught up in the spectacle or we get caught up in what people are doing and do not see what God actually wants from us and from His people!

The crowd were so caught up in the moment they neglected to see what Jesus wanted. This blind person called out to Jesus mentioning Him as the Son of David which showed the blind man had known the scriptures and was sure this person was their Messiah, the one who was a descendant of David who had come to save them all from their sins.

Jesus stopped to talk to the person, asking the crowd to bring them to Him. He wanted the crowd to see the power of faith and true belief… I wonder what was going through Jesus’ mind when He heard the crowd trying to stop the blind person from calling out to Him by name! I wonder whether there was a bit of despair because He could see people discriminating against the blind person or whether He felt the pride in some people that they were able to see Jesus in person…

We do need to stop and think about what Jesus wants from us and from every situation. We need to include Him in everything we do so we can do what is best to progress the spreading of the gospel to everyone before He returns!

Points to Ponder:
Do you get caught up in doing stuff in church?

Do you make time for Christ to work in your life?