Thursday 23 Nov 2023

November 23: Luke 19:41-44

Key Verse: Luke 19:44
They will dash you to the ground, you and the children within your walls. They will not leave one stone on another, because you did not recognise the time of God’s coming to you.

Imagine knowing exactly what is going to happen to each member of your family; how would you be able to cope with that knowledge! When Jesus reached the point where He could see Jerusalem, He stopped and wept because He knew what was going to happen. Despite all the teaching and the scriptures, the people had built up their own ‘religion’ based on what they thought was good and not what God was trying to tell them.

People become self-important when they think the stake of others lives are in their hands. They make decisions based on their own intellect instead of the wisdom of God. Nobody has enough knowledge to be able to cater for a whole country and any dictator who assumes such a role will fall.

God’s peace comes to those who follow Him and obey Him. It comes to the people who are willing to listen and not to make their own minds up. It comes to the people who look out for others and not promote themselves over all else. Too many politicians take on the role of self promotion when they gain some power and that separates them from the people.

God wants people who will support people and love people. He wants leaders who are willing to do as He asks for His people and not promote their own ideology. God would like good and faithful servants...

Points to Ponder:
What do you see as the most important thing in your community?

Where is God in your community?