Friday 24 Nov 2023

November 24: 1 Chronicles 16:8-14

Key Verse: 1 Chronicles 16:11
Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always.

When we look for prayer or how to pray, we often focus on the New Testament because that is where Jesus taught us to pray and we have many things He and the disciples prayed for as examples. But when we look into the Old Testament we find many examples of the prophets and kings praying to God and pleading with Him for many things.

The people in the Old Testament show us how God answered their prayers in many way. The writings may not be as explicit because these scriptures have been passed down through generations of scribes and we have those retold stories and songs to give us the hope which bring faith and ultimately God into our lives.

This book gives us the history of the people of Israel and, in this case, King David giving Asaph the position of chief priest to minister before the Ark of the Lord. The prayer starts out like Jesus taught us by giving praise to God our Father, not just through prayers but in song and stories and acts done to show others of God’s provision for us.

But the part which strikes me the most of looking to the Lord for His strength every day and always. We can remember all the stories of how much He has done for us from the beginning through the scriptures of the Old Testament. We can remember what He requires of us through the commands, judgments and miracles He alone has done for us all!

Points to Ponder:
How often do you start by recognising God for who He is?

How often do you seek Him each day?