Saturday 25 Nov 2023

November 25: 2 Samuel 6:12-19

Key Verse: 2 Samuel 6:14
Wearing a linen ephod, David was dancing before the Lord with all his might

When king David had commanded the Ark of God to be brought into Jerusalem, there was an incident where Uzzah reached out to stead the Ark as it began the oxen drawing it stumbled. Uzzah was struck dead because God had already told them nobody should ever touch the Ark with their hands; it had to be kept pure for God.

David then ‘parked’ it at Obed-Edom’s house and God blessed the household! David then knew God had not abandoned the Ark and called for it to be brought into Jerusalem. There was a lot of pomp and ceremony as they brought the Ark in with sacrifices of a bull and a fattened calf being made as they entered. David even dances with all his might in front of the procession only wearing an ephod. Whilst people debate at to what the ephod actually was, we can think of it somewhat like a hospital gown which leaves little to the imagination!

Now, would you be on the side of Michal who was horrified of the fact that is all he was wearing, or would you be on the side of people who cheered because David was opening himself before God?

When you go to praise God, do you hide your emotions and sing like a chorister, or do you sing and dance with true abandon before your God? I’m not saying we all need to rush around half naked before God, but having the confidence God is look well on you for doing what you are doing is a step in the right direction. We need to not just love people more, but allow them to see we want God to see how we really are!

Points to Ponder:
How to you worship God?

Will you also try to give others gifts as part of your worship?