Monday 27 Nov 2023

November 27: Luke 21:1-4

Key Verse: Luke 21:2
He also saw a poor widow put in two very small copper coins.

One of the things I have learned by living in all the places I have lived is that money can do many things amongst the rich and arrogant, but love will always win through with friends and family. As a child I was in a privileged position and had access to many things others did not have access to; but that did not stop me from hankering after some things my friends had, because some of them had things which I didn’t have access to.

As I go through life I continue to see the importance of being honest with what you have and helping those who have less than you. I continue to want certain things in life, but if a friend or our family need things, I start there and put my wants and desires on hold for a while.

Here the poor widow was putting in what she had access to, not to show others how much she could come up with, but to show God she was not holding anything back. Jesus saw this and was impressed with her actions, but not so much the people who were putting in large stakes because they wanted others to see how much they could afford. Their reward was seeing the expressions on others faces. The widow’s reward was the admiration of Jesus and God!

If you want to impress someone, be honest with God and give what you can to help others get to know Him like you do. God may like a cheerful giver, but one who gives no matter what others think or say so the gospel can be advanced is the one God watches over!

Points to Ponder:
Do you like to have things just to show others?

What do you do to help spread the gospel?