Tuesday 28 Nov 2023

November 28: Jeremiah 33:1-5

Key Verse: Jeremiah 33:3
“Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.”

One of the hardest things to accept sometimes is bad news. When someone tells us bad news we don’t want to believe it because it is not what we think of as good or helpful. But, sometimes we do have to face the bad news so we can figure out what we are doing wrong and move forward. But, sometimes that bad news is not what we have done wrong, it’s just life; but in every thing which goes wrong, we can learn and move forward.

What is God telling the people here? The Babylonians are going to wreck havoc and many people are going to lose their lives. God does not sugar coat things but tells you the truth. This means we should be willing to hear and accept the truth when He tells us of things.

But also notice God is saying we should always spend time in prayer to Him, asking for the things we need no matter how difficult they seem to be for us. He is willing and able to answer prayers not matter how difficult or impossible things are in our view. But if we are asking for things and not listening to God, then how are we ever going to learn what is good and valuable for us?

God expects us to listen for the answers and to obey His answers and His will in our lives. Why? Because He is trying to tell us the best way forward!

Points to Ponder:
How often do you ask things of God?

How often do you listen to and obey God?