Wednesday 29 Nov 2023

November 29: Daniel 5:1-6

Key Verse: Daniel 5:6
His face turned pale and he was so frightened that his legs became weak and his knees were knocking.

When was the last time you were faced with the truth after trying to hide it for a long time? How did that feel. Now imagine something a bit more horrifying as King Belshazzar sat there and the finger of a human hand appear before him and start writing something on the wall! We may joke about seeing things and write books and films about strange happenings, but seeing something write text on the wall by itself would be on my top list of things I don’t wish to see!

After this happened the king called in all his enchanters, astrologers and diviners to see what this writing meant; but it was only when Daniel was called in could the writing be deciphered. God had made this writing appear and had placed Daniel at this time and place to decipher the writing and warn the king about what he was doing!

We may not like the places God puts us sometimes because we don’t like to be placed anywhere where we are in danger or uncomfortable. But Daniel stopped and listened to God to find out what was happening and what God wanted the king to hear.

If we stop from our busy lives and spend time with God we too will get to know what it could be we are doing wrong or where He wants us to be. Daniel trusted God would look after Him and his faith in God was not let down. God delivered and made sure he would be well looked after while the king decided how he was to live his life.

Points to Ponder:
Do you get scared God may put you in a difficult position?

How will your faith grow without depending more on God?