Monday 8 Jan 2024

January 8: Mark 1:14-20

Key Verse: Mark 1:20
Without delay he called them, and they left their father Zebedee in the boat with the hired men and followed him.

I think this section of scripture has so much going on in it. First how Jesus went off to Galilee after John had been put in prison. Jesus knew now was not the time to be captured and so went off to galilee, knowing John was in trouble. He did not forget John but proclaimed the good news John was telling people: The kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the good news!”

If you knew there was no escape for someone because of the corruption in the leaders, what better way than to remind people of all the things they stood for so they would never be forgotten! And now was the time to get more backing so even more people would hear the good news and try to get more people to repent!

So Jesus approaches the people He knows from within their hearts who would make the best disciples. The first four were fisherman each of whom had a heart for God because as soon as they were called by Jesus, knew this was what God was calling them to do!

When you know God is calling you, you will not waste time by going to find out what it all entails, you will not waste time asking around to see if this is what should be done – you will simply believe and trust in Christ to go and do whatever He is calling you to do. I know my family has asked what I was doing a few times...

Points to Ponder:
Are you ready to answer God’s calling?

Will you drop what you are doing and say Yes?