Tuesday 9 Jan 2024

January 9: Mark 1:21-28

Key Verse: Mark 1:22
The people were amazed at his teaching, because he taught them as one who had authority, not as the teachers of the law.

I used to get scared I would not know what to do and say when I met people who wanted to know about God, but the more I get to know other Christians the more I get to see how people can give out good news no matter how much they know about the scriptures. When Jesus went into the synagogue on the Sabbath in Capernaum, the people say how much more Jesus knew than the teachers…

This sort of story made me feel like I would never get to know enough from the scriptures to be able to tell others about Jesus. I think my turning point was when a young man and his friends asked me why the bible would always talk about God as being male. It was a question I had never fully considered myself. I admitted by lack of knowledge to them and together we went to someone who had more knowledge of the scriptures.

That is how I got to learn more and the young men also got to learn more. Together we grow; as long as we are willing to admit others can know more than us – then we can all learn together and move forward.

These people in the synagogue suddenly saw how someone could know more than the teachers of the law and they wanted to know more! Don’t be discouraged because you think you don’t know enough. Share what you have and admit when you don’t know enough. Grow together with the people who come to you seeking God.

Points to Ponder:
How much do you know about the scriptures?

Do you know someone who knows less whom you can share something with?