Mon 3 Jun 2024

Jun 3: Mark 12:1-12

Key Verse: Mark 12:5
He sent still another, and that one they killed. He sent many others; some of them they beat, others they killed.

I woke up a little early this morning and wondered what had changed in my life to make me stop writing these devotionals each morning… So I got up and started again! Only to find the verses this morning simply saying to me “My Grace is sufficient!”
God will always be by your side and His Grace really is all we need. He will allow us to have a rest and allow us to take time out, but when He thinks the time is right to get you back on your feet – He is there and gives you a little nudge. Sometimes the nudge He gives you will make you feel uncomfortable so you take a moment to think things through and other times the nudge is just what you need to gently get back in the saddle to continue the journey with Him in your life.
This morning my nudge was to get me back in the saddle and share my love for Him with you all once again. It is not going to be a ‘Big Bang’ event which will shake the earth and change everyone’s lives, but a little ripple in the pond which will change someone’s life some way down the track – even if it is only my life it changed!
This parable about the vineyard owner who got the ‘tenants from hell’ who went against everything the land owner had entrusted them with. We must expect to meet people like that in our lives every now and again, but we should keep God with us and move on to the next chapter knowing His Grace is sufficient and His ways is always the best way...

Points to Ponder:
Do you feel like you have reached the end?
Will you take a step of faith with Christ today?