Tue 4 Jun 2024

Jun 4: Psalm 90:1-9

Key Verse: Psalm 90:6
In the morning it springs up new, but by evening it is dry and withered.

Life is too short to have to worry about everything which is happening in our lives. Our life span is but a grain of dust in the grand scheme of things, especially when you listen to the scientists as they try to figure out more and more about how the earth came into being!
Ours is to trust Christ and to wait for what He gives us after we have spent a while on earth trying to figure things out. If we make it to the end with a firm belief He has been the one in control all along, we will surely find out how special things can be when we do trust Him!
God wants us to be able to enjoy life as best we can, but He also does not want us to lead any other people astray by walking away from Him. He will come along and ‘water the grass’ to try and keep it green. He will tend to our needs and watch over us, feeding us when we need to be fed and trimming us when we need it too.
By trusting Him we are saying “Here I am, use me!” so He can then allow someone else to come along and see just how green life can be on the other side of the fence. We may not realise how much of a difference we can make in other’s lives until we get to meet them in Heaven and see how we changed something small which led to their life-changing event! Be the change...

Points to Ponder:
Do you feel like you want to make a difference?

Have you tried changing something small in your life first?