Wednesday 19 June 2024

Jun 19: Matthew 6:1-6

Key Verse: Matthew 6:5
And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full.

Jesus continued to warn the disciples about not doing things just to be seen by others – He wanted them to do things because of their love for others and their love for God. God is not here to bolster our pride and to lift us up. We are here to lift God up because he is our God, not the other way round!

Nowadays we have people who strive to reach more and more people on the Internet, not to do good and to help people, but simply to have more money and more fame. Yes, there are still good people out there who do things for good, but too many people see the success and want more of it for themselves so they can become famous.

When I was younger I wanted recognition and strived to get recognition for the things I did. The more I did the more I realised the only reward I would get would be from there then and there and nothing would be waiting for me at the end of the day…

God wants us to promote Christianity and all He stands for, not to go round promoting ourselves. This was the downfall of Satan: when he wanted more for himself and less for God. If we go down the same route, we should expect a similar demise! Be faithful and true to God and just help people, not yourself!

Points to Ponder:
How often do you help yourself before others?

How often do you help God before yourself?