Wednesday 3 July 2024

July 3: John 20:24-29

Key Verse: John 20:29
Then Jesus told him, “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”

One of the hardest things to do is to believe on something you have not witnessed, especially when it is by definition ‘unbelievable!’ Why else would we have the word unbelievable if it did not mean exactly what it says! Thomas was keen to believe and to follow Christ, but when they told Him Jesus had come back to life, he could not quite bring himself to believe it – after all he had witnessed the wounds Jesus had on His body!

This is where Christ calls on us to have faith in the unseen. Jesus came to us to change the world and the way we look at things. It is up to us to take on board all we have read about and to believe it in our hearts without having to witness it first hand. This is the definition of faith – believing in the unseen!

Our task is to believe in what Christ can and does do even though we know it goes against our physical thoughts and against what we think should be physically possible. Nothing is impossible for Christ and nothing should stop us from believing nothing is impossible…

We have our bibles which are full of promises from Jesus and we should stand firm on those promises knowing He has done it all before and will do the impossible once again. Yes, it does take a deep faith in Christ!

Points to Ponder:
Can you believe without seeing?

Will you trust Christ and what He has said can be done?