Thursday 4 July 2024

July 4: Amon 7:10-17

Key Verse: Amos 7:15
But the Lord took me from tending the flock and said to me, ‘Go, prophesy to my people Israel.’

What would you do if God called you out to go and say something against the leaders or government? I think the first thing I would do is spend time with God to find out a bit more. By reading these words from Amos it does appear he did exactly that because he was able to tell the priest Amaziah some personal details!

Always try to make sure it is God who is prompting you to do things and make sure you are prepared for what is ahead instead of rushing forward with half an idea. The evil one also has his spies amongst us and will use them to trip us up if we go in unprepared. We don’t have to be the ones fighting the war because Christ has already done that; but we should be prepared for what the evil one could do to trip us up and make us look like the ones telling stories!

God will always make sure you are prepared for what is ahead if you are willing to stop and listen to His instruction. Today I have been wearing a T-shirt which proclaims “God does not make mistakes!” He does not! But we do and if we do not listen to the instructions carefully, we may be the ones ending up with egg on our faces...

Points to Ponder:
Do you listen for instructions?

Or do you rush in like a fool?