Friday 28 May 2021

May 28: Matthew 9:1-8
Key Verse: Matthew 9:8
When the crowd saw this, they were filled with awe; and they praised God, who had given such authority to man.

This is the power God gave to Jesus while He was yet a human being walking amongst us; not just to heal people like this paralysed man, but to forgive their sins! When Jesus was going to return to the Father in heaven and bring the Holy Spirit to be with us, He wanted people to know they would have the power to ask for many things in His name and He would make it so!
This is similar to the promise God gave Jesus – to be able to ask for many things and have the surety God would answer and provide. God wants us to know He is listening to our prayers and when we ask for things in the name of Jesus – Jesus will take those prayers directly to God and plea on our behalf!
Now, there are going to be many people who will try to tell you prayers will not be answered for one reason or another. Many will claim we have been too naughty to receive and answers to our prayers. Many will claim God is no longer listening because the world is so corrupt. But I put it to you God is listening even closer because He can see how corrupt the world has become and He knows Jesus paid the ultimate price to cover our sins!
If we want to see the world become a better place, then we need to start by behaving like Jesus did. Not totally righteous and without sin, because we have already gone too far and have sinned before God, but by asking things of God through Jesus’ name and expecting a positive response! God wants to answer our prayers – but if we don’t believe He can or will answer, then why do we ask in the first place! Trust in what Jesus has done and lift up your prayers in expectation!
Points to Ponder:
What attitude do you have with your prayers?
Will you expect more from Christ today?