Thursday 27 May 2021

May 27: Mark 10:42-45
Key Verse: Mark 10:43
Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant
Jesus was very quick to point out the failings of mankind to the disciples, and quick to point out it was because of those failing that He had to go through everything He would have to! Pride and greed are just a couple of things which bring us down – when we sense the power we can gain from a position of authority or social stance, we tend to forget about justice and righteousness – choosing the ways of the world instead of God’s ways – and bringing everything down around our ankles!
God wants us to take notice of the things in our lives which will bring us down – they are not called temptations for nothing because they will tempt us away from the path God is trying to guide us on and they will cause us to falter and even fail!
Jesus used the state of the government to show them what was likely to bring down society and work against God. But it was not something the disciples recognised until it was too late and He had paid the ultimate price on the cross for our problems and sins! Jesus wanted them to see they would have to give up their desires for riches and glory and allow God to get all the glory. They would have to put down their desires and try to fulfil the wishes of their God!
When we go into the world to try and show people what our God is like, we have to be more like Jesus and less like mankind. We have to put aside our desires and lift up the will of God. We have to reach down and pick people up when they are low. We have to allow people to see how much God wants for them in their lives and less about how much we want!
Points to Ponder:
Do you like the sense of power in authority?
Will you give God the authority in your life?