Wednesday 30 Dec 2020

December 30: Psalms 96:1-3
Key Verse: Psalms 96:3
Declare his glory among the nations, his marvellous deeds among all peoples.
It is very strange to walk around with nobody on the streets when you are so used to them being crowded... Also the traffic noise here in the countryside is nothing compared to the noise in London... Yes, I have moved house and living in a large village in the countryside again... But, no matter where we are in the world, we need to sing out our praises to God!
We need to make time for God, not just go about our daily life as if we have no hope or no time; we need to make time and space to worship God. I stopped and had a good chat with someone on the way back from the shops (at a distance) about how different this Christmas has been, but also how good it is to sing carols even after Christmas is officially over!
Each day we face, we are facing another day with God, not another day alone or away from God and His protection. God is with us wherever and whenever we are. He continues to watch over us and try to guide us in the best way forward. If we stop listening to Him and focus on the world, the world is all we will notice. But, by singing praises to Him, we continue to focus on Him and His ways and not on the world and all its ailments!
Part of this is communicating with others about the things we do and why we do them – whether it is stopping for a few minutes and singing carols, or getting down on your knees and praying like mad, others will see what we do and be encourage by it. We tell others about God in so many more ways than we realise!
Points to Ponder:
How often do you sing or hum Christian music?
Will you stop for 5 minutes today and sing to God?