Wednesday 30 Sep 2020

September 30: Psalms 86:11-13
Key Verse: Psalms 86:12
I will praise you, Lord my God, with all my heart; I will glorify your name for ever.
God really does not ask a lot of us other than to love Him with all our hearts. He does not require we go to a church meeting once a week. He does not require we sacrifice a goat once a week. He does not require that we give all of what we own to Him... These are things people feel like they have to do for God, not written law we have to follow. Christ fulfilled all this by giving His own life on the cross so we would not have to continue with those laws originally laid down for the Israelites!
How much we choose to do for God is a show of our affection for Him. My waking though today was how much are we willing to do for love... I chose to continue in this Psalm simply because these words describe what David was willing to do for God and allows us to think about what we are willing to do or doing for God.
As long as we want to hear from God and learn from Him, we will be able to live with Him in our lives – just as we may live with our partners or family in our lives. But these is always something which God would like us to do so more people can get to live with Him in their own lives. We need to make sure we do this because of our love for Him and not because we have a duty to do something so we can get paid in kind from God. God does not owe us anything – He has already given everything for us!
Our love must be a two-way thing – we cannot expect God to do everything for us if we love Him. That is not how love works. In our relationships with others we give, share and take; that is what we do for love toward others and we must do the same because of our love for God. Listen to Him and act on what you hear simply because you love God!
Points to Ponder:
How much do you do for God?
He simply want you to love Him with all your heart!