Friday 25 Sep 2020

September 25: Luke 9:7-9
Key Verse: Luke 9:9
But Herod said, ‘I beheaded John. Who, then, is this I hear such things about?’ And he tried to see him.
Sometimes people are not going to show their true colour until the unexpected happens... With this pandemic in various states of disrepair in countries all around the world, we are beginning to see many of the issues people are facing in their own countries which we don’t get to hear about.
We don’t often think about why John was not on the scene for too long, even though we have a loving Gospel written about all he was able to do in his short time on earth. We know him as the loving disciple because of the love which is written about in his Gospel; what we don’t get to hear too much about is the hate which was constantly working against him...
Jesus faced a whole lot of haters in His life on earth as well, all because He wanted to show people the truth and true love. I know what I face is nothing in comparison to what they have faced, but people do still get upset with us when we tell them about Jesus. People don’t like to be reminded of the bad things in life or how they have broken the basic rules in life to get where they are...
I am glad the baggage I carry round in my life is small in comparison to many – because I do like to share my baggage with Jesus; after all He has offered to help me with it, always!
Jesus gives us the power to do many things in our lives if we work with Him and include Him in our lives. He wants others to see His love and His power and willingly gives us the ability to spread that love and power! Don’t let the haters shout you down, even when they show their true colours...
Points to Ponder:
Do you care for the needy people?
How far are you willing to go to stand up for those in need?