Friday 11 Sep 2020

September 11: Nehemiah 8:10
Key Verse: Nehemiah 8:10
Nehemiah said, ‘Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is holy to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.’
After all of this had happened and they had listened to God’s Word to remind themselves of where they had come from, how God had looked after them and re-focused their hearts and minds on the Saviour, Nehemiah wanted people to be able to have a celebration. He did not make a grand celebration as soon as the wall was complete, nor after they had hung the gates. He waited until people remembered why they had done this all – for the glory of God.
Now they were in the right state to celebrate, not the fact they had managed to get everything done by themselves, not how they had managed to do it in the face of adversity, but because they had been able to do this because God enabled them to do so!
When we have things going our way and we are enjoying life, we still need to remember just whom it is who has enabled this all in the first place. We need to remember what God has asked us to do. We need to remember why God has asked us to do this all...
Nehemiah’s words here are simple – go and enjoy good food and drinks... but remember those who do not have any and give some to them so they can celebrate too. As Christians, God has call us to care for our neighbours just as much as we care for ourselves – yes, I have changed the words, but isn’t that what love is all about – caring for those people.
When we realise we have done something wrong against God, it is not always easy to pick ourselves up and move forward loving our neighbours, but God will give you the strength and wisdom to do this if you are doing it for Him. God wants us to enjoy life, but not leave others without anything...
Points to Ponder:
How often do you enjoy life?
When you spend time with God, will you set time aside for others as well?