Monday 13 Apr 2020

April 13: Matthew 28:11-15

Key Verse: Matthew 28:12
When the chief priests had met with the elders and devised a plan, they gave the soldiers a large sum of money

As we rest up after all the rush of the Easter celebrations, with a big difference this year with us all being isolated, we can begin to reflect on what was happening behind the scenes. But we have to be very aware there are going to be people who are not telling us the truth and it is our own task to find out what is the truth and what is not.

Was the death, burial and resurrection of Christ really true? Well, if we take a look at our legal system and how we do manage to get to the truth after a while, we can take great comfort in knowing society is doing its best to make sure the truth is what comes out in the end. There have been enough scandals around the world where governments and powerful people have tried to cover up a lie – only to be found out and the truth exposed; all because mankind is quite tenacious in our endeavour to find the truth!

The story of Jesus death is recorded in history, both Christian history and Non-Christian history. So it happened! What about the resurrection? All the disciples and followers of Christ gave an account of what happened and they all were in agreement (within normal human differences.) These people could have all got together secretly and agreed to tell the same story – this is something which happens all the time in society. But they were faced with ridicule, punishment, imprisonment and even death; throughout this all, their story did not waver or change – a very different picture to what happens when people try to cover up the truth!

So I am persuaded this is all true and has been recorded in manuscripts all over the place for us to remember what actually happened. I’m sure we are going to hear all sorts of stories about what caused this virus – we have had a lot of strange stories already – but we will have to sift through all the stories to find the truth in the longer term. Right now, believe what you know is true and keep on going!

Points to Ponder:
What is the most ridiculous story you have heard about the virus?

Will you read over the Easter story again in your bible and find the truth?