Friday 3 Apr 2020

April 3: James 2:18-24

Key Verse: James 2:18
But someone will say, “You have faith; I have deeds.” Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by my deeds.

How do you see your faith? Is it a faith in secret where you don’t tell others, do you go out of your way to tell people about it or do you live out your faith? This is a question I asked myself when I was at school in Zimbabwe as a ‘New Christian’; I saw people around me shouting about their faith on Sundays but only a few who would do the work to keep things going… I’m not talking about work which has to be done around the church building and logistics to keep that building functioning and open… I’m talking about the few who make it their mission to keep the people together and focus them on our common goal of bringing glory to God!

I count myself lucky to be a part of a local church who continue to be active even in this time of self isolation. We continue to offer our help to people who would like it and those who need it – they don’t have to be members of the church, just local people we can reach out to without compromising public and personal safety. This is who we are and it makes me proud to be able to share God’s Word to anyone who would like to listen or read.

Some may question the work we do or offer; some of those who question our work are supposed to be the people who do the work we pick up. Why limit yourself to do the work which is sanctioned when you know there is someone who needs help in some way?

You see, when God asked us to go out into the world and take the gospel with us, He was not meaning we need to buy a plane ticket to the furthest community around the world we can imagine, He meant we need to go to the people who need help. That could be your next door neighbour! It could be the old couple just down the road who have been told they cannot go out. We just need to listen to God’s instructions and faithfully follow them to where He wants us to be. He will take care of us and protect us as best He can – and that has no limits!

Points to Ponder:
Do you ignore pleas for help just because the rules say so?

Will you listen to God’s instructions and reach out to the people around you?