Monday 30 Mar 2020

March 30: Acts 1:6-11

Key Verse: Acts 1:11
“Men of Galilee,” they said, “why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven.”

Can you imagine what was going through the disciples minds as they spoke to Jesus just before He ascended into Heaven? Can you imagine how their minds were blown away when they did see Him ascend! But Jesus’ last words were words of encouragement and empowerment, and not words just of hope and love.

Too often people just hang on to the words of love, peace, mercy and hope, leaving behind the real message Christ gave to us all. Yes He wants us to know the love, joy, peace, mercy and all the rest; but He also wants us to get out there and put these things into practice! Jesus said to the disciples their role would change from being the students to being the teachers because the Holy Spirit would indwell them to give them the wherewithal to teach people according to God’s wishes.

We do need to remember just how much we can do with the Holy Spirit’s guidance too. This is God being in us in a form we cannot see but can understand and listen to. If, like me, you have always strived to look for eye witness accounts for everything, then saying something like this seems alien – but is not. God really does want us to go out there and tell others about Him and He is going to give you the words to do exactly that!

Taking the first step to come forward and trust God to give you the words is the hardest step to take – because you are stepping into the ‘unknown’ world where you cannot see everything in black and white! But, once you take that step and trust God will be there with you, the Holy Spirit is there giving you what you need to teach others about God. I do like reading through some of the devotions I wrote over a decade ago to see how God was leading me back then – it makes me realise just how much I rely on Him every day.

Points to Ponder:
Do you crave support?

Will you step forward and expect the Holy Spirit to be with you?