Saturday 21 Mar 2020

March 21: Hebrews 5:7-10

Key Verse: Hebrews 5:8
Son though he was, he learned obedience from what he suffered

I can remember thinking how hard it was to be brought up by parents who seemed to be harder or harsher than my friends parents – but I learned this was only on the surface because I did not know what was actually happening behind the scenes at the time. We all tend to think we have a rough time because of the rules and regulations, but once we understand what they are for we should have no problem following them.

As we see the coronavirus unfolding around the world we see very different outcomes from each country as their lifestyles and governments unfold very different scenarios. If we were all the same we may well have done what was ordered by the governments, and they may have followed the governments of the originating site(s) of the virus. We may well be in a very different position to what we are in now – but that is something we shall never know because we are all very different.

Imagine what a task God has in hand as He tries to manage the different cultures and societies around the world – imagine how He feels when whole countries are prevented from coming to Him and asking for help? We can only imagine…

Jesus came to carry out the will of His Father. He knew what lay ahead and still continued to do what was required. He pleaded with God, because He was in human form and had all the wants and needs of a human being at the time. But, He remained true to His Father and obeyed Him all the time.

We need to have that same attitude toward God by casting all of our cares on Him, not just by saying so, but from our hearts. We need to mean what we say and do what we say we will do as well. Jesus said what was true and did what God wanted Him to do. God did not send Jesus to the cross, but told Him that is what was required. Jesus willingly took on that mantle so we would be set free – He was designated by God to be our High Priest!

Points to Ponder:
Do you complain about your life style?

Do you complain about your life choices?