Friday 20 Mat 2020

March 20: Genesis 45:1-5

Key Verse: Genesis 45:2
And he wept so loudly that the Egyptians heard him, and Pharaoh’s household heard about it.

We may not have been sold as a slave by our brothers and sister or our parents, but there are people in this world who have to face such things! But there are so many more people, some we may know personally, who have had to face bad things happening to them in their lives. I am amazed at how many of those people are willing to step forward and offer forgiveness to those who have wronged them in some way.

Joseph was sold as a slave by his brothers, but was willing to bring them into his protection at this time when they were in great need. He was willing to forgive and try and move past what had happened – the experience was difficult for him and he wept so loudly that people outside the room heard him. How far are you willing to go when you are faced with people who are in need in your life? Are you willing to forgive what they may have done against you in the past so you can now help them out?

Jesus calls us to love one another, but He also calls us to forgive again and again so we can help those in need. It is times like this when that act of kindness may be the act which sinks in and changes their hearts toward Christ and brings them home to be with God!

When people have done wrong against you, they may well steer clear of your because they are ashamed for what they have done and don’t want you to be unkind to them like they have been to you in the past. They may have every right to be scared – but if we are able to turn that round into an act of kindness which covers their wrong-doings, then, just maybe, they may find it in their hearts to change their ways. This is Jesus’ way and the way He wants us to follow. Yes, it is hard, but we need to be the difference now when so many people are in need.

Points to Ponder:
Do you carry a grudge against someone?

Are you willing to forgive and move on with Christ?