Thursday 30 Nov 2023

November 30: Romans 10:12-18

Key Verse: Romans 10:13
Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.

This is one of the verses the pastor of the church I went to continued to remind people of and it was a verse which would often go unnoticed by the people who came to visit to see what church was all about. But as we go through the verses in this section of the letter to the Romans we find another side of this verse which always has to go hand in hand with it.

How can people call on the name of the Lord unless they have heard of Him and heard what it means to call on His name. We could say to people they should visit a certain web page to get details, but if they have not heard of the Internet or have not been exposed to it, they will not know what you are talking about!

We take so much for granted in life and assume people know what we know. We give them directions from what we know and hope they will follow the directions; but they do need to know what the base is before they can build on that base. This is why we need to continue spreading the gospel from the roots up.

We cannot assume people have heard the gospel and know how to respond because there are still many who have not heard the Good News about God, Christ and the Holy Spirit. Don’t just tell people to believe, give them something to hope in so they can build their belief on firmer standings.

Points to Ponder:
How often do you tell people they need to believe in God?

How often do you tell them about God first?