Friday 17 Nov 2023

November 17: Psalm 19:1-4

Key Verse: Psalm 19:3
They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them.

Have you heard the Sun shouting out about God recently, or maybe the Moon shouting about Christ or maybe a Tree shouting about The Holy Spirit? We can marvel at the things we can see from the Sun, the planets, our Moon and so many things on this planet. All of them are silently shouting out about God and how they have been created; we just don’t hear them unless we listen to God!

Mankind has always wondered how the universe came into being and we shall only be able to make guesses about it until God explains it to us. Some of the advances mankind has made through guessing have been truly remarkable and our scientists are expanding our horizons all the time. But the more they find out the more questions arise as to how…

I am rather partial to beautiful sunrises and sunsets and have witnessed spectacular colour in the skies because of light being diffracted or filtered. We known this now because we have studied the effects of various things interacting with light… but who has made this possible?

Our God has done so much more for us than we know of and we discover things every day. He continues to make sure we can survive through all He has done for us. If we did not have the various layers of gasses around the earth we would literally roast! We find water in the air and under ground so we can be sustained even in the harshest areas… because He loves us!

Points to Ponder:
How often do you marvel at creation?

How often do you thank Him for creation?