Tursday 2 Nov 2023

November 2: Romans 8:31-39

Key Verse: Romans 8:34
Who then is the one who condemns? No one. Christ Jesus who died – more than that, who was raised to life – is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us.

I love the way Paul writes about Christ being everything to and for us. He starts off by asking who can ever be against us if God is for us, continues to remind us He gave His own Son up for us. Jesus, the one given up for us, willingly stepped forward then and even now steps forward to be our witness to God so we are presented not guilty!

Who is the one to condemn us then? It certainly isn’t Christ who did all of those things so we would be blameless. It certainly isn’t God who sees us as innocent because Jesus took on the debt instead… It’s those people around us who don’t know what Christ has done for us!

So can they prevent us from accepting the love Christ has for us? Can they separate us from God? No! No person on earth can keep us from Christ because He is making sure every one of us is given the opportunity to see Christ for what He is and what He has done for us!

Each of us makes the choice as to whether we do listen to the Gospel or whether we stick our heads in the sand and pretend Jesus did not do all of that for us! The world around us does not want to hear the truth for fear of having to admit they have done something wrong – but once we admit our mistakes and ask Christ to be in our lives, nothing can ever separate us from God again!

Points to Ponder:
Do you get swayed by what people do around you?

Will you try to listen to what Christ did for you?