Sunday 10 Sep 2023

September 10: Romans 13:8-10

Key Verse: Romans 13:10
Love does no harm to a neighbour. Therefore love is the fulfilment of the law.

One of the biggest sources of all arguments is debt whether is it a monetary debt or a promise not kept; debt brings on arguments or hopelessness. We all should know the basic rules of life like not getting involved with adultery, murder, stealing and even coveting, but one things we do often overlook is sharing love where it is due.

Jesus reminded us love is the pivotal thing around which all other rules of life should revolve. If we are not keeping love fresh and in the middle of our lives, then we are falling short in our debt to the people around us. One of the things we need to accept and cherish is love, the love for our own selves and the love for the people around us.

I know in our modern world we find all manner of excuses not to do things: blaming stuff like the internet, electricity, work and so many more things; but most of those really do come down to not exercising the love Christ has given us for others. God made us to be able to love one another, but because of all these distractions in life we make excuses not to fulfil that love – because it just doesn't fit with our life-style!

One thing I have learn about being a Christian is we have to make sure we take this God-given love and share it with the people around us. When we do that we are encouraging others to do the same. When we all start moving toward that goal, we can see the benefits of this love in our lives.

Points to Ponder:
How often do you show your love to your partner?

How often do you share God’s love with others?