Wednesday 2 Mar 2022

March 2: John 8:1-11

Key Verse: John 8:11
‘No one, sir,’ she said. ‘Then neither do I condemn you,’ Jesus declared. ‘Go now and leave your life of sin.’

As we continue to watch an horrific war happen on our doorsteps in Europe, we lift up the people of Ukraine and all their friends and families pleading for God’s grace and mercy, strength and guidance, and for a reminder for the perpetrators they are fighting many Christians. Whilst there may not be too much many of us can do, we can pray and we can open up our borders, homes and hearts to those being displaced.

This story from the Gospel of John reminds us of two things in particular; the first being that we all have guilt in our lives and we should not be blaming others for the guilty things they carry round when we know all too well we are still guilty! One of the first song I used to teach young children in our church groups was “is there a plank in your eye” which reminds us we cannot hope to find the small things wrong in others lives when we have something big wrong in ours!

When I look at the situation in Ukraine, I cannot help but think of the troubles many of the Russian soldiers must be facing, wondering whether they are doing the right thing as they get to see the war on the front line. It’s the knowledge they have things wrong in their lives and their countries, so why should they be looking at what someone else says is wrong in their enemies lives!

When we stop to think about things, God will fill us with mercy and grace – the mercy to forgive those people who have done wrong, and the grace to step forward and say “you are forgiven!” Don’t allow the things in your life spoil other people’s lives. Rather accept we all do get things wrong from time to time and try to forgive and move on.

Points to Ponder:
Do you carry round guilt in your life?

Do you know Christ is willing to forgive you no matter what?