Thursday 12 Aug 2021

August 12: Matthew 18:23-35
Key Verse: Matthew 18:27
The servant’s master took pity on him, cancelled the debt and let him go.
How many times have you looked for forgiveness from someone else? How many times have you not forgiven someone else? Yes it is very subjective – we like to think we can judge what is good and bad and forgive the right people... But how about looking at things from God’s point of view? We are sinners. We have broken the Commandments given to us by God. We have sinned even when we knew the penalty for sin is death!
Jesus was trying to get a point across to the disciples – we do need to exercise forgiveness on a much bigger scale than we think we should! Jesus knew He would have to forgive sins which were much bigger than the things we think we should not do. Jesus knew He would have to forgive people before they got to know Him and even before they asked for it... Because He exists outside of time!
When we get upset about the little things people do against us, we should look back in our lives and think of the big things we have done against others or against God. That should put things into perspective so we are more willing to forgive people time and time again. Jesus was not taking count of the sins people were doing against Him; He was willing to forgive no matter what!
When we know Christ is going to forgive us, we should be more than willing to forgive others when they come to us and ask for mercy or forgiveness. We may not like what they have done to us or are doing against us, but if Christ is willing to forgive people who kill others just because they have a conscience and ask to be forgiven, then so should we be willing – always!
Points to Ponder:
What things has Christ forgiven you for?
Will you forgive someone even when you don’t feel like it?