Sunday 8 Aug 2021

August 8: John 6:41-51
Key Verse: John 6:50
But here is the bread that comes down from heaven, which anyone may eat and not die.
I can imagine the commotion when Jesus was talking to the people and telling them how He is the Bread of Life come from Heaven! It is bad enough trying to tell people about Christ being the Son of God nowadays even after we have been given God’s Word through our bibles. People just don’t tend to believe things unless they have some sort of physical proof – and so many people take things much too literally!
Christ is not a loaf of bread! People need to get their heads round this before they can move on, so talking with such sayings to people who do not yet know Christ does tend to get them more mixed up than give them hope. But if we start with the symbolism about how we can physically eat bread to physically live, then we can move on to the spiritual side of living and give them the hope God wants them to have.
The Jews had a history of believing their relatives where stories were passed down through generations about how God guided them through the desert and how they survived part of that time living on nothing more than the manna God supplied for them. They tended to believe this because they were told these stories from generation to generation. This is what we should be doing with God’s Word too – passing it down generation to generation!
If we are willing to spend a bit of time explaining why Jesus is the Bread of Life, then we too can pass these stories on to our children and so forth. Christ came to break the trend of people changing to stories and living with their own rules and regulations instead of the commandments set down by God. We have this all written down in our bibles now so we can pass on the knowledge – but we still need to explain things so people can understand the truth; after all the truth may be hard to accept at first!
Points to Ponder:
Do you take time to explain God’s Word to people?
Will you pass on God’s Word to another generation?