Sunday 1 Aug 2021

August 1: John 6:25-29
Key Verse: John 6:27
Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you. For on him God the Father has placed his seal of approval.’
Have you met someone who was truly different from anybody else? I’m not talking about in physical appearance, but the way they behave and the way they are. I’m talking about meeting someone who you thought was so different from everybody else they made a big impression on you. Jesus was that type of person, someone who made a very big impression on everyone He met because He was so different to everybody else.
We could start with the way He was willing to meet with anyone and everyone, or we could start with the way He wanted people to be well and so healed them... Or we could look back at all the things He did differently and wonder why He was the way He was...
Jesus was this way because He knew God personally – That's difficult for us to understand because we know Him as being God. Jesus was so very different because He wanted people to see there was a very different way of living, one which did not have to revolve around the ways of this world, but to revolve around what God wants in our lives.
Jesus wants us to see the difference between living in this world and living with God. If we are content with the ways of the world we will get no further than the ways of this world. But if we strive to find out the ways of God, then we will grow up to see God’s ways which will give us something very different to aim for. Jesus was trying to tell the people they should act on what they believe, and hopefully that would be believing in God and following His ways!
Points to Ponder:
Do you think your life revolves around God or the world?
Would you ever be content with anything less than God’s ways after knowing Him?