Friday 30 Jul 2021

July 30: Matthew 25:31-40
Key Verse: Matthew 25:40
The King will reply, “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”
Some of us will look back on our lives and wonder when we did anything for God, or we may even feel guilty we have not participated in events organised by other Christians... But God looks a whole lot deeper into your life than you realise. Here we are reminded God is watching us in our lives with other people – not because He has to keep an eye on us to make sure we don’t do anything wrong, but because His people are all around us!
We often forget how much of the population belongs to God because many people just don’t act like we think they should if they were Christians! We have our ways of seeing the world and others have their own way of looking at the world. God sees it for what it is – something we often overlook.
As you walk down the road today, think what you would do if the people you walk past were known to you to be Christians... would you be acting differently to how you are now? What if they are closet Christians, hiding from the world because they are scared to own up? What if they were greater prayer warriors than you? We don’t actually know people from the inside like God does – we pick up on how they act!
God wants us to go out there and treat every person as if they were His child; He wants us to go out and love the people around us as if they were our brothers and sisters. God knows their heart just as He knows your heart. If we treated each other as if they were our actual brothers and sisters, then maybe the world would be a better place!
Points to Ponder:
Is the first person you see today a Christian?
Will you treat them as a fellow Christian even if they are not?