Wednesday 4 Nov 2020

November 4: Isaiah 42:10-13
Key Verse: Isaiah 42:10
Sing to the Lord a new song, his praise from the ends of the earth, you who go down to the sea, and all that is in it, you islands, and all who live in them.
How many times do you put something off because you are either afraid to step forward or you just cannot see how you can do what is being asked of you? I know I have put things off many times in my life and last year showed me how dangerous putting things off was when I was hospitalised for much of the year due when I may have been able to avoid things if I had gone to the doctor and had a diagnosis earlier!
But many of us also put off doing things for God because we just cannot see how we can be as good as any of the evangelical people we may see and hear about! God is probably not asking us to be high profile evangelical prophets, but He is asking every single one of us to spread the gospel to those who don’t yet know it!
I have missed not being able to sing out loud in church as we celebrate having a Saviour who is Jesus; but I fully understand how difficult it is to live within social and medical guidelines during this pandemic. So, going into a further country-wide lock-down does not sit well with me; but I understand. This is not going to stop me from being an example to others as well spreading the gospel through written word either!
We may not be able to meet up in church as a congregation, but we can continue to sing out our praises in any way we can. Sing out your joy in knowing Christ. Sing about what He has done in your life. Sing about the hope we have for our future with Him. Sing in your own, new way...
Points to Ponder:
Are you ready to tell others about Christ?
What new way will you think of to make the gospel known?

Tuesday 3 Nov 2020

November 3: Isaiah 43:16-21
Key Verse: Isaiah 43:18
Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.
We have a God who has demonstrated beyond doubt how precious we are to Him through the example of leading His chosen people out of the hands of tyranny in Egypt. He did this through miraculous examples where the people were protected beyond belief – something many people nowadays forget and discard through worldly suggestions.
But God is also telling us far more things are going to be different as we move through our lives and through the lifetime of this world. God is the same today as He was and will be. He is the God of change when change is necessary! The more things get out of hand on earth, the more He has to change things in our present times!
He has told people over the ages to forget about the old ways of doing things and focus on the present and future ways in which He is guiding us. Much like the times we are going through with this pandemic. We have messed up, we broke rules, we relaxed and did not act in time. Yes, governments should have acted instead of waiting and re-acting, but we must bear responsibility as well.
Just as we must bear responsibility for our own sins and bring them to God, we must bear responsibility for things we have done wrong against medical advice and must move on in a new way of living. This does not mean turning our backs on God or His people but turning towards Him and them with a new way of doing things safely and earnestly. This is the will of God!
Points to Ponder:
Do you know how much prayer can change lives?
Will you start an active prayer chain to lift up your country today?

Monday 2 Nov 2020

November 2: Isaiah 43:1-7
Key Verse: Isaiah 43:5
Do not be afraid, for I am with you; I will bring your children from the east and gather you from the west.
It is no secret Isaiah 43 holds special meaning to me, not just because it was the chapter from which we chose a verse to use as a tag-line for our youth organisation, but because people have pointed me back to this chapter on so many occasions – people who do not know what I have done with and without God.
This is a reminder to the Jews that God has chosen them to be the example of what His love can do in our lives. Even when they went astray and needed a kick in the pants to get back on track, God continued to be there and encourage them in all walks of life. Here is where God was reminding them they would be called to be a people together, worshipping God. Not as split communities competing against each other, but as one family working to live together with God!
God’s words of encouragement, delivered by Isaiah, are He is with us every step of our lives. When we feel overwhelmed with the world around us, He will make sure we can make it through. When we are drowning in the worldly things around us, He will keep our head above the water. He does not say we have to swim harder and out-live the troubles through our own strength... He says He will make sure we survive.
This may mean a few hard knocks in our lives after which we will feel like we have been battered; but because of His great and enduring love for us, He will ensure we survive. This could be other people popping up just at the right time to hold our hands, or something changing in our lives – but God is behind each and every step, helping us along the way!
Points to Ponder:
How often do you feel overwhelmed?
How many of those times have you given the situation to God?

Sunday 1 Nov 2020

November 1: Ephesians 3:14-19
Key Verse: Ephesians 3:16
I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being
One more month closer to Christmas. One more month deeper into this pandemic. One more month we feel like the world may be closing in on us... but Christ is bigger and stronger than this all! I ask each of you to stop what you are doing for a couple of minutes and pray for someone you know of who is in need at this time; physically, mentally or spiritually.
Stop and pray.
Right, now that you have lifted up your prayers to the One God who is always listening and answering prayers, rest in the knowledge He has been and always will be faithful to answer prayers. And as He answers prayers, meditate on the knowledge He has been able to do things beyond comprehension and will continue to do so as we pray.
Just like the author says here, I do pray each one of you is able to see and acknowledge the power of our God. I certainly would not be here if it were not for God; I don’t want any of you to have to go through things I have been through – but I know many of you have gone through so much in your lives too. But God has been able to keep us going – just because we asked Him to!
Think about it. This is the God who we prayed to in the hopes we would get some respite from our troubles. This is the same God who was able to allow us to get through things and come out a little bit stronger because of His amazing strength.
Points to Ponder:
I pray your prayers will be answered more than you can realise.
I pray that God will give you strength to help others now too.