Saturday 4 Jan 2020

January 4: Ephesians 5:1-17

Key Verse: Ephesians 5:15
Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise,

Have you taken a step back from life recently to have a look and see what is going on? I wonder if you have seen the same thing as me – a world which is becoming more and more filled with hatred. Not a hatred that boils up on the outside so much as a hatred which seems to be buried within, seething, bubbling and every now and again showing its head.

If we follow God's will in our lives, He will lead us to the places where He needs us to be; He will lead us to the places where we can do our best for Him. Like Jonah, we may not like what we have in store, but when we take a step back and look see, we will see the perfect will of our Lord, we will see the sense in everything He is trying to get us to do in our lives.

It is so easy to let go and fall in line with the rest of the world, but we have to remain strong, remain with our heads above the water, remain with the knowledge it is God's strength which will allow us to keep ahead of things in life.

In order to show we are wise, we have to listen to the truth and know it is the truth. We have to listen to the lies and know they are false. We have to be able to discern good from evil. Our only hope of doing that is with the Wisdom which lies within us – not our own wisdom but that of the Holy Spirit.

One thing we must be doing in our lives is taking the time to look at what is happening around us so we can listen to the Holy Spirit to find out the wise things to do in our lives. The last thing we need to be is fools, because 'fools rush in'!

Points to Ponder:
Have you ever jumped at something only to realise it is not quite what you expected?

Will you take a second to listen to the Holy Spirit this year?

Friday 3 Jan 2020

January 3: Ephesians 4:25-32

Key Verse: Ephesians 4:30
And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.

Now we have had a gentle reminder about just how much the Lord is doing in our lives, let’s start to think about the ramifications of what we do. It is so easy to listen to a conversation between our friends and join in using the same foul language as they do... It is so easy to watch our friends and join in with the things they do... It is so easy to turn you back on God!

We are reminded in these few verses about what we should be turning away from. Once we have been reborn, once we have accepted God into our lives, we then have a responsibility to carry out His will in our lives. We have the responsibility to turn away from our former lives, from our former ways of talking, from our former ways of doing things, and to turn to Gods way of doing things.

There is no way we could ever hope to be like Christ was when He was with us on earth, but we can certainly do a lot in our lives to turn our lives round towards God. What use is it of having God's light in our lives if we are not going to let His light shine through us? What use is it to have that light if we are going to hide it under a bushel?

When we are saved, we have the Holy Spirit living within us. This does not prevent us from doing evil or from sinning. What it does mean is every time we do sin, we are letting God down; every time we do sin, we are grieving the Holy Spirit who is within us; every time we do sin, we are driving the Holy Spirit into a corner. How would you like to be held captive in a small cell which has nothing in it that you like, but instead has everything you do not like?

Points to Ponder:
Are you trying your best to do things God's way?

Is your body a living nightmare for the Holy Spirit?

Thursday 2 Jan 2020

January 2: Ephesians 4:17-24

Key Verse: Ephesians 4:24
and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.

As we get further into the new year (yes, I know it's only the second day) we all start to think of new things and new ideas in one way or another. Maybe some of you have made new year’s resolutions or have decided to turn over a new leaf. Whatever you have or have not done, we need to give thought to our new life in Christ; our new life as a Christian. Are we living it according to His will? Are we living it according to His wishes? Or are we simply going to stumble on in the dark like we have been doing for the last year?

It is such a wonderful thing to know Christ is your Saviour, and to know Christ is with you all the time. But those are just a few things some of us forget in our daily lives. Maybe you have had a narrow escape recently which has made you think again. Or maybe you have not thought about the ramifications of what happened. I know I have a lot of thinking and meditating to do over what has happened to me last year!

Maybe you have been in a near accident recently, but when you came out of it without damage or incident, you thought nothing more of it? Have you stopped to think about what could have happened if the accident had turned out differently? Think about the worst case scenario... think about what could have happened... then think about how God was actually looking after you at the time and let everything happen in a controlled manner.

I am not saying bad things happen to people who deserve it in any way, because I am a firm believer of giving everyone a second chance. I also believe we need to be introduced to Christ to understand how Christ gives us all a second chance. Nobody should have to endure anything to make them think about God... but because of our closed off minds, because of the way we don't think when things are all OK, because of our self-centredness, we do sometimes need a gentle reminder...

Points to Ponder:
Have you had a gentle reminder recently?

Have you thought about how The Lord is constantly looking after you?

Wednesday 1 Jan 2020

January 1: Jeremiah 23:23-24

Key Verse: Jeremiah 23:23
“Am I only a God nearby,” declares the LORD, “and not a God far away?”

Are there times when you think you are totally alone, that there is nobody around and you cannot call out for help? Are there times where you just want to be alone, to not have anyone near you? Are there times when you have needed a friend but have not been near one?

One of the most comforting thoughts is God is everywhere! It is hard to imagine such a thing, but many times in the Bible we are reminded about how God is everywhere, and how there is no place in heaven or hell we can escape from Him. This may sound daunting, but when you need someone, He’s always here!

I know there have been times in my life when I have been exceedingly glad God has been by my side; much of last year when I was in hospital was a case in point. There have been times where I have been terrified and turned to God for protection and had an awesome feeling of being protected instantly. The way we see it is if God had not been by our sides, listening, then He would not have heard us!

I know there have been times in my life when I have needed assistance, have turned to God and asked, and have received it immediately. If God had not been by my side, He would not have been able to help me instantly!

I know I have a friend walking by my side constantly. I know I have a protector walking by my side constantly. I know I have a guide walking beside me constantly. I know I have a Saviour who is by my side at all times!

You don't have to shout to make sure God will hear you. You don't have to send out radio signals to make sure you reach God. You don't have to rush down to the local church to make sure you are close to God. He is here…

Points to Ponder:
When was the last time you felt all alone?

God wants to be by your side all the time, don't run away!