Saturday 16 May 2020

May 16: Isaiah 25:1-5

Key Verse: Isaiah 25:4
You have been a refuge for the poor, a refuge for the needy in their distress, a shelter from the storm and a shade from the heat. For the breath of the ruthless is like a storm driving against a wall

After so many words against people around the Mediterranean this chapter in our bibles gives the basic needs for each of us – to praise the Lord! No matter how many bad words and prophecies against people who were working against God, God is still here loving and supporting those who want Him to do exactly that!

It is because of God’s perfect faithfulness this is all possible and has continued to follow on from the prophecies promised to us so many years ago and still coming true! It is God who has allowed the collapse of cities who refuse to follow Him, not because He got so angry with us that He had to destroy us, but because we brought the destruction upon ourselves through our actions which clearly showed everyone we were not following God!

But to those who are willing to come to Him with open and humble hearts are able to receive bucket loads of love and support. Those amongst us who need it most are given the love and support they need – I know because I have been there and have come out wondering just how any of this love and support was possible. I know what I do wrong and I know I am not worthy in myself; but I know He has promised to include me as one of His own just because I have put my faith and trust in Him! How Awesome!

The more we are willing to make God a part of our lives, not just on Sundays but actively in your life, the more you will be able to see how much He is able to do in your life. I love this verse highlighted today because God is our refuge when we are poor and needy. He is our shelter when life is like a storm bashing against us. He is our shade from the relentless sun of sin beating down on us. He is the wall which stands between us and the ruthless factor around us. God does not take away those bad things because they are man-made and still exist, but He can shield us!

Points to Ponder:
Do you feel overwhelmed at all?

Are you willing to ask God to be your protecting wall?

Friday 15 May 2020

May 15: Philippians 2:1-4

Key Verse: Philippians 2:4
not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.

How often do you do something just because you want to do it and not because it is good for you or even right for you to do? If we are all honest then we will say “most days!” We like to do things we like doing – it’s as simple as that; but how often have you stopped to think about what you are doing does to the people around you?  I know I have often gone ahead with things not thinking about the consequences or how it will hurt the people around me; and that is just wrong!

We can look at the world around us and see how world leaders are doing things just because they want to do them and not because they are good for the country – but that does not make them right. We can even look into our bible and see how leaders did wrong things, and I’m not talking about the tyrants but those who had professed to follow God!

We can’t use that as an excuse either – just because someone else is doing it does not mean we can join in or copy them. That still does not make it right! So how do we go about not following the crowd and get on and do what is right? We need to look into our bibles and find out what is right – but that can be very daunting for many people… God has given us our consciences to tell us what is right and wrong and to guide us; and when we get lost in the mire, we can call on the Holy Spirit to get us back on the right track. It’s all here for us and has been for all of our lives!

When we see someone doing something good, we are pleased and even happy; but when we see someone doing something wrong, it eats away at us on the inside just as if we were doing things wrong. God has given this to us so we can step forward and try to help other people around us see the difference between right and wrong. God wants us to help each other to stay on track… so we don’t really have many excuses to get it wrong to start with!

Points to Ponder:
Do you get into trouble a lot?

Have you tried asking God the direction?

Thursday 14 May 2020

May 14: John 14:1-5

Key Verse: John 14:5
Thomas said to him, “Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?”

How often does God speak to you and you either ignore it or you don’t understand it? Maybe I’m just thick because I struggle with what God tells me… It often needs further explanations and follow up calls and so we continue! But God definitely does know what is best for me in my life and He tries very hard to get that through to me on a daily basis despite the brick wall He has to try and get through daily!

We often think of the disciples as being like sponges where they would soak up everything Jesus told them and remember it from that moment onward – I’m sure they remembered those first few miracles they saw and could probably tell you everything in great detail; but as time goes on we get less descriptions and more about what it meant to be with Jesus. This, to me, is one of those turning points in their lives where Thomas pipes up about not knowing where Jesus was going, almost as if he said it before Jesus could finish speaking.

There-in is another problem we face with ourselves, not listening to the end but rushing off and trying to get things done before we understand the full context of the task in hand. You may notice that these devotions are more of a brain dump than a scholastic study of God’s word. This is what God impresses on me each day as I draw close to Him in my time of dedication to Him.

Christ is trying to guide each one of us in the path which He has laid out before us and unless we are willing to listen to everything He has to say to us, we are going to go off with half the information we need. It took me quite a while before I listened to God about coming to London to work on estates, but when I look back over my time with Him, I can see how I was prepared for the task before me. He gave me party times, hard times, dry times, times where I struggled… and all to prepare me for the type of work I would be called to do here!

Points to Ponder:
How often do you really listen to advice?

Are you willing to stop and listen for 5 minutes each day?

Wednesday 13 May 2020

May 13: 1 Peter 2:2-5

Key Verse: 1 Peter 2:3
now that you have tasted that the Lord is good.

I thought it quite fitting to go back to these verses today to remember just how we should be going back to Christ and His ways. If you, like me, want physical proof for just about everything in life, then you may well find it difficult to come to terms with an unseen God who can do anything… Especially when we see people who think they know more than others trying to sort out issues which are totally out of their control!

I did something foolish yesterday and started listening to the news to try and catch up on what’s happening out there in the open world – only to be greeted by leaders around the world saying the most stupid things on Television to unknowing, trusting country people who now should be very worried about what they have said! I know it is a difficult time and I know not everyone is a scientist or micro-biologist… but certain things in life are just plain common sense!

One of the things which is common sense to me is how we should approach God as children and not as ‘all knowing’ adults! As adults we don’t like other people telling us what to do or how to run our lives – but if we go ahead and ignore common sense, we will fall down and hurt ourselves. God continues to try and impress on us the urgency of getting to know Him, getting to trust Him and telling other people about Him – yet we continue to try and do things our old selfish ways because that is how we have been all our lives!

The time I needed God most in my life I simply got down on my knees and told God I could do nothing without Him and His protection; I was scared and had nothing left to trust in, but God was there and came through for me. That was my time when I came to Him like a child, depending totally on Him and giving my whole situation to Him without limit. Now I know God is good and I know God answered my prayers on that day… in a way which did not make sense to me as an adult, but made perfect sense when I look at it as a child should...

Points to Ponder:
Do you want God to work to your rules?

Or will you finally submit to His ways?